Tel Aviv is divided into a number of neighborhoods. On all of the site’s property pages you can use the city map and the search engine to search for properties in your preferred locations. The site’s city map uses names and colors for the different areas. For example, “Lev Ha-Ir is a central area close to Rothschild Boulevard, Allenby Street and Shenkin passageways.
The “Old Northern Neighborhood”is in the Ben Gurion Boulevard area and bordered on the north by the Yarkon. “East”is the area of streets that are to the east of Ibn Gvirol Street and so on.
Apartments for Sale in Tel Aviv
When looking for an apartments for Sale in Tel Aviv, or any other property, in Tel Aviv we always want to be given the relevant information in the clearest, most concise and accessible format. On the “My Place”site you can enjoy the benefit of a smart, yet simple to use system that lets you look at relevant properties alongside complete and accurate information about each one.
This includes the property’s floor area, which floor it’s on, neighborhood, directions, building services and more. Alongside each property, you’ll see an up to date photograph and blueprints of future construction projects. “My Place” representatives are available to assist, consult, advise and to coordinate visits to your chosen properties.
Always at your service with an uncompromising commitment to professionalism and service – the “My Place”Team.